9 results for author: monkeyadmin
Social Action Films That Matter
A recent article from MovieMaker magazine, where Scott and other filmmakers discuss social action films:
Scott Ryan: Promotional campaigns always set the success for films. First the film has to be amazing or at least controversial/compelling. Awards and celebrity endorsements, no doubt, have a huge effect on the virality and eventual viewing of any film. Documentaries are a harder sell than scripted films, so having a friend share with you or share via social media is an endorsement of the importance or quality of the film. Sometimes sending a DVD or a link to an assistant can get you a bit of PR that you could never pay for.
In the case of ...
5 Gyres PSA
A PSA concerning the Plastic Microbead issue.
Videos concerning Plastics in our waterways & the availability of public drinking water.
5 Gyres Case Study
In 2014 we worked with 5 Gyres Institute to craft a PSA for the plastic Microbeads issue. With a tiny budget, we developed and shot a 5 minute PSA that told the story.
At the time, the plastic Microbead issue was relatively unknown. But in the coming months the campaign would contribute to the following developments:
National & Local Press including stories in KCET, Whole Foods, Surfrider, Yahoo, Vice, TakePart, and Time Magazine.
Voluntary bans by multiple corporations including Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson and L'Oreal vow to phase out microbeads in their product(s).
In May of 2015, California ...
Identify Case Study
In 2012, Scott wrote, produced, and co-directed a PSA for Identify foundation. Identify was a mission oriented endangered species organization.
PSA was featured at the Paley Center in New York and Los Angeles as part of Joseph Peter’s ‘Africa Celebrates the World Cup’ exhibition, which celebrated Africa’s rich biodiversity.
I.F. launched multiple fundraiser events including one at the ‘W’ hotel in Hollywood featuring the work of Arbucci and other visual artists from LA Art Seen. Sponsored by FABRIK Magazine. Hosted by Charity Winters and the I.F. Team.
I.F. team executed a project benefiting the endangered Mountain Gorillas ...
Charity Water Manifesto
A clip from our Documentary Series.
The Wellness Channel
A Commercial for the TV Channel.